What is SBIR?
The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program is a highly competitive program for United States-based small businesses to participate in Federal Research/Research and Development (R/R&D) with the potential for commercialization. Businesses participate in a competitive program where funding is awarded in phases based on technological potential. Funding incentivizes commercialization of technology and development to get it market ready. The SBIR program stimulates high-tech innovation by inviting qualified small businesses to help meet specific research and development needs.
Phase 1 is when businesses must demonstrate technical merit, feasibility, and potential for commercialization, through proposed research and development. Businesses will be evaluated for quality before being granted further funding in Phase 2. Phase 1 awards are generally between $50,000 - $250,000 for 6 months.
Phase 2 is a continuation of research and development efforts. Funding is based on the results achieved in Phase 1 as well as the scientific and technical merit, feasibility, and potential for commercialization of the project proposed for Phase 2. Phase 2 awards are generally $750,000 for 2 years.
Phase 3 is when businesses pursue commercialization related to Phase 1 and Phase 2 R/R&D activities. During this phase, no funding is given and there is no time period specified. Non-SBIR funded R&D contracts for products, processes or services for use by the U.S. Government may be involved in Phase 3.

TurnRock Labs works with you to deliver an effective SBIR proposal. We uncover the hidden context of SBIR topics to help find the topic that best suits your business. Our experienced team helps you present the best, most applicable aspects of your technology to make your proposal clear and concise. TurnRock provides precisely the right balance of formal language and technical language. We strategically aim content to communicate with and appeal to the decision board and provide insight into how your audience may impact the direction of your proposal.
TurnRock Labs can help give your proposal a competitive edge and help you better understand how to work within the SBIR program.
Winning SBIR funding could be the first big step towards the future of your business. You could transform your business to achieve your vision.
You work hard to build revolutionary new technology, so help secure your future by choosing TurnRock Labs.